It all starts with an authentic recognition that something isn’t right in your life. You might be biking faster during your workouts, contemplating divorce, finally polishing your resume for a better job that you are hoping to obtain. The experience of radical uncertainty is common during a transformational phase.

As science highlights, a breakthrough is often preceded by a period of intense frustration or exhaustion. High levels of cortisol are present, the adrenal glands are running on empty making us feel overly fatigued, fragmented sleep cycles with melatonin barely produced at night, and high amounts of serotonin in our brain from nighttime digital gluttony (e.g. Netflix before bed, checking emails, Facebook time before we snooze off).

You play it over and over in your mind seeking answers to questions, “Why did I do that?”, “What if…?”, “How am I going to…?”. Then you may experience the triggering event. This comes in many forms such as a spouse leaves you, your pet passes away, you become unemployed, or a family intervention occurs. The external framework of your life is crushed.

This is where the beauty unfolds. Transformation is what occurs when the insights and experiences emerge from your true self. Your day to day routine is disrupted and you are forced to take on a new approach tangled with new choices, new relationships, new anything – a new way of to live. A better way to live.

This period you enter is the “wake-up call” and it has one, profound prerequisite of letting go. In fact, part of the tension process is a sign from our anatomical systems cueing our bodies to release. The more we resist; it all persists. Stress, one of the byproducts of the cortisol hormone, is abundant in the nervous system. Many of us are not even aware of how stressed we are until we try to sit still with our thoughts. At first its uncomfortable, but all meditation, walking or focused exercise, and deep concentration starts somewhere (in the beginning), which is the first step to letting go.

The period after a “wake-up call” often involves swimming in the sea of uncertainty for a while. The stress of unanswered questions and unresolved problems can be overwhelming at first. It’s all new territory for your mind and body. With time, patience, a bit of practice, and determination from the heart with willpower, you learn to turn off bad habits, explore new avenues, and open your perspective to new light and insight. This is why you are all here which is to learn and empower yourself to become your very best, high performing self.

Source: Notes from

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