During the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, new team members were getting attention from the crowds and media. Who were these trainers? Why are they making the high performance athletes meditate and visualize? The United States brought 9 sports psychologists; Canada brought 8, while the French brought none. The trick wasn’t train harder; it was train smarter through visualization and autogenic training.

Visualization is a technique that allows thoughts to pass from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind, which in turn, influences your actions. Visualization, autogenic training, and meditation make perfect sense for everyone (not just athletes) because neurons in our brain interpret imagery as reality.

If you say to yourself, “I’m not a good runner. I can never run a 10k race.” You have just programmed your mind and body to be at a disadvantage. Instead practice the routine in your head (or any curve ball life throws at you). Now you might be thinking, I’m not an athlete. I’m a student, or a Senior Manager, or a Stay-at-Home Mom…whatever your current title – erase it for one moment. The Cleveland Clinic took average volunteers (non-athletes, all with varying health conditions) for 12-weeks and asked Team #1 to visualize and meditate their fingers and elbow getting stronger for a specific task. Team #2 was asked to physically strengthen their elbow and finger tendons, and Team #3 to do absolutely nothing. The results:

  • Team #1 (visualization applied) had increased finger and arm strength by 35%
  • Team #2 – 53% increase in strength
  • Team #3 – No significant changes in strength

By simply, visualizing and using the power of thought, they had a 35% increase! Nearly a one-third gain is extraordinary whether that is applied to your life, at the office, or in your home with personal relationships.

The power of thought is fuel to your brain. You need to provide powerful fuel such as positivity, healthy food, adequate sleep and good surroundings for the brain to properly function. No longer should you be “getting by” for today or “catching up” from yesterday. It’s time to use the power of our mind to change your ways. When you create alignment, your mind, body, and spirit will thank you for it.

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